Star Wars Unlimited Booster Draft!
Join us for our Star Wars Unlimited Booster Draft! Entry includes 3 booster packs that players will draft to create a 30-card minimum deck. Play 3 rounds of Swiss and earn a pack of the most recent set per round you win!

Dungeons & Dragons One Shot Adventures!
Join us for Dungeons & Dragons Every Tuesday & Thursday!
We have talented Dungeon Masters running One-Shot Adventures for anyone and everyone that wants to join!
What's a One-Shot?
A quick adventure (usually 2-3 hours) that takes place in a single session.
We're starting out with One-Shot Adventures so that you can jump in and try out D&D without feeling like you have to be able to show up every week.
Never played D&D?
No Problem!
We'll have Character Sheets all filled out and ready to go - just show up and we'll teach you everything you need to know to have fun!
Already a D&D Pro?
You can either bring your own Character, or you can work with the Dungeon Master to customize one of our pregen'd characters to fit your playstyle.
Want to be a Dungeon Master?
We're looking for volunteers!
Email staff@gglehi.com to get started.
You get access to our D&DBeyond account with EVERYTHING, plus free gifts when you've DM'd a few sessions!
Character Workshop from 6:30pm to 7pm
Dice Roll at 7pm!

Lorcana Casual Constructed - 6:30pm
Join us at Game Grid Lehi for a fun casual night of Lorcana Constructed every Thursday at 6:30pm!
Whether you want to test your latest deck innovation, win prizes, open packs, or even just meet up with other players to trade and have fun you'll find what you're looking for at our Thursday event.
Here's the details:
Date/Time -
Thursdays at GGLehi at 6:30pm
Format -
Lorcana Constructed
3 Rounds Swiss
Swiss means that there aren't any eliminations, you get to play all 3 rounds whether you win or lose
Prizes -
Everyone gets 1 pack for participating
Plus a Bonus Pack of Prize Support for every 4 players who show up!
Odd Bonus Packs go to undefeated players, Even Bonus Packs go out to a Random Player
4 players = 1 Undefeated Bonus Pack
8 players = 1 Undefeated, 1 Random
12 players = 2 Undefeated, 1 Random
16 players = 2 Undefetaed, 2 Random
So everyone gets 1 pack no matter what, and some skilled (or lucky) players will take home 2!
Entry -
We will be using Melee for this event. Don't worry if you don't have an account, we'll help you get set up at the shop.
If you'd like to register ahead of time, you can create a Melee account here
Optional Multiplayer Lorcana!
If we have 12 or more players and 4 or more of those players prefer to play Multiplayer Lorcana, we'll run our normal constructed event and 4 player multiplayer pods at the same time!
Pods of 4 players
Everyone gets a pack
In each pod of 4, there will be 1 bonus pack!
After 1 player quests to 20 lore, the pack will be opened and players in the pod will each get to pick a card from the pack in order from highest to lowest lore!
Just to be clear, the preference will be for our normal 1 vs 1 Lorcana event to happen, but for newer/younger players I think that multiplayer Lorcana can be a really fun side event so I hope we end up with enough players for both :-)

One Piece TCG $10 Weekly Win-a-Box!
Join us for One Piece TCG $10 Weekly Win-a-Box at Game Grid Lehi!
Every Thursday at 6:30pm!
Don't forget to download the Bandai TCG+ App so you can register for the event in-store!
3 or 4 rounds depending on player count
First Place gets a sealed booster box of the most recent One Piece TCG set!
Everyone else gets 1 Pack per win and winning 0 still gets you a booster pack!
For every 16 players we get past the initial 16, we will add an additional box to the prize pool for another undefeated player!
Please note this event is not part of the Bandai Organized Play event series, so there will not be weekly play promo packs given. Join us on Tuesdays if you're interested in those!
Prize support is guaranteed with a minimum of 8 players. If less than 8 players register, we will offer a $5 refund and reduce prizes to 1 pack per win.

$10 Split-a-Box Standard - 7:00pm
Join us for Split-a-Box Standard at Game Grid Lehi!
Every Thursday at 7:00pm!
Don't forget to download the MTG Companion App so you can register for the event in-store!
3 Rounds
3 Standard Draft Packs per Win!
2 Standard Set/Play Packs per Win!
$9 Credit per Win!

Friday Night Commander
Join us every Friday Night for Free Commander!
Make sure you have the Magic Companion App so you can register for the event using the event code in-store.
At Game Grid you can "level the playing field" by choosing a color-coded power level to play-
Green = Out of the box power level, win by slugging it out with creatures for a couple hours!
Yellow = You might have a combo (or two) and you might have a couple of tutors as well, but you never tutor for your combo and you're looking to play a good long match where everyone has fun.
RED = You have combos, you have tutors, and you are going to win as soon as possible - unless someone stops you. :-) It's not that you hate fun, it's just that winning is more fun.
Pods of 4
Winner gets a Free Booster Pack!