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Recommended for Ages 10 & up
3-6 Players
60-120 minute playtime

Kill the monsters - Steal the treasure - Stab your buddy.Munchkin is a stand-alone card game designed by Steve Jackson that simulates well, sorta a fantasy-themed RPG oh, ok, DnD in a simple, card-based game thats chock full o silliness. Everyone begins the game as a 1st level Human with NO Class heh-heh and via cards, they acquire Races Elf, Dwarf, etc., Classes Thief, Wizard, Cleric, etc., Items, Armor, Potions and more that they use to combat hideous monsters like the 4th level Undead Horse, the 10th level Net Troll and the 14th Level Unspeakably Awful, Indescribable Horror very nasty, indeed. The object of the game is to reach Level 10 and levels are acquired via the slaying of monsters and the selling of acquired treasure 1,000 Gold Pieces equals 1 Level. Very silly and a lot of fun!Part of the Munchkin series. - BoardGameGeek

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Steve Jackson I

Alex Fernandez I
Edwin Huang
John Kovalic
Ian McGinty
Heather Oliver
Philip Reed
Gabby Ruenes

Board Game Geek Category(s):
Card Game

Board Game Geek Mechanic(s):
Hand Management
Take That
Variable Player Powers

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